Now, Jeff and I have always wanted a dog and we talk about it often. But we have both decided (mostly I have decided) that this is just not the right time. I mean, we ARE going to have a baby in a couple of months!!
Also, we know that we want 'a real dog'... a lab or a retreiver, or something of the like. What I came home to was a rat. (No offence to those who have small dogs! We have nothing against small dogs, really we don't!! They just aren't for us... and the first time I saw this one, well, he looked like a rat.)
ANYWAY! Jeff was on his way home from putting in his police application (yes, that's right! Jeff has applied to the Toronto Police Dept.) and was driving down Thompson Road. Then he saw something in the middle of the road, as he got closer he realized that it was a dog... a very small dog. Jeff pulled over and picked the dog up out of the ditch (where he had run after Jeff pulled over). The dog was so small that it was shivering to death in the cold.
Jeff then proceeded to put the dog in the car, drive to the store, buy a leash, food and treats and bring the dog home. This is when I got home.
Needless to say, Jeff wanted to keep the little guy... who he so lovingly named DUKE! *chuckle, chukle*
Again... NOT the right time. Not only that, we have prenatal classes on Thursday nights, so I asked Jeff what we are going to do with the dog? His response, "We'll just leave him here." For those of you who haven't been to our house... it is very open concept and there are a million places for a dog to get into. Not to mention that they little guy probably couldn't go for three hours without having to go to the bathroom!! I don't think so!!
Luckily we have VERY good friends. Mike and De came over with their dog, Becca, while we were in class. The dogs got along well... but our cat, Dutchie, was still the boss!
The next day Jeff drove Duke to his parent's house as we both had to work. I went after work and picked him up. Saturday morning Jeff and I took Duke to the Oakville Humane Society. I will be the first to admit that I sobbed the second we walked out of there without him. Duke just looked so scared and confused when we handed him to the lady, it broke my heart. But I know it was the right thing to do and that he's better off with a family that can give him the care and attention that he deserves.
Here are a few pictures of the little guy (notice his size compared to our tv stand in the background, which is only 3ft wide!):

And of course Dutchie, watching to make sure Duke behaves:

Thanks again Mike and De and Mum and Dad for your help!!
1 comment:
You go, Dutchie! Cat's rock and rule!
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