To quickly recap, last weekend Jeff and I bought all the paint and supplies for the room. Then we proceeded to clean out the room, wash down the walls and tape off the trim and height for the chair rail. Then Jeff painted the tinted primer.
Here is Jeff hard at work:

This is what it looked like when I woke up the next morning (YIKES!):

The next night Jeff did one coat of the red. MUCH better, but still in need of a few more coats:

After that other things got in the way (like I said, a lot has happened) and the nursery took a back seat for the week. But today my wonderfully talented brother came to start the mural. Jeff did another coat of the red while Mike started on the main wall.
Mike didn't exactly get as far as he had originally hoped (he thought he might be able to finish the whole thing), but the progress he has made is WONDERFUL!!
Jeff and I can't wait to see the final product!!!!
Here are some progression shots:

Check out that AMAZING fence!!!

So that's where we stand for now. Jeff will have to do at least one more coat of the red... but we still have plenty of it so no worries there.
I'll be sure to update again next weekend after Mike's back to do more.
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