He is changing so much everyday that it is hard to keep up. He is now 14lbs... no, that's not a misprint, he really is 14lbs!! He still eats like a champ (obviously) and sleeps great; except for those two weeks when he screamed every time I tried to put him to bed but that seems to have passed. He sleeps anywhere from 7-10 hours a night; usually in the 8.5-9 range most of the time. He's also smiling ALL the time and starting to giggle up a storm.
I hope you are ready because here comes a TON of pictures from the past month, with commentary of course!
Visiting with his girlfriend (Maddison; she's two weeks younger than Michael)

Chillin on the couch... getting ready for a photo shoot

In order of appearance: Connor 6mths, Michael 10 wks, Emma 18mths, Maddy 8wks)

So Connor is 6 months old and much heavier than Michael... doesn't look like it though, does it?!

Out for a walk with all the kids

Relaxing at the park

Monthly Pooh shot

"But Mommy I don't WANT to be a kangaroo!!!"

That's better!

All drugged up on Tylenol after his first shots... Poor guy!! :(

asleep holding Daddy's blanket from when he was little. Awe!!

My little preppy boy

Daddy giving Michael his first bottle ...

... and REALLY enjoying it!

Big smiles!

Showing off the cloth diapers

Dutchie checking out the scene

He loves to sleep on his belly!

Playing on the floor

And laughing with Daddy!!

Trying to cope with the incredible heat wave we had... "DO NOT touch me!!"

Looks like he's meditating!!

He's so cute when he sleeps!

Not a very happy boy!

All teary eyed!

Cheeky smiles

The whole family is asleep together!!

Father's Day

Michael's gift to Daddy

Close up of it (I made it and Michael put his foot prints on it!)

Doesn't it look like he's holding the camera and taking the picture?

Cuddling with Tom Cruise... I mean Uncle Greg.

Having fun while Daddy sleeps


He is listening to Grandma sing to him... he liked that a lot!

Different angle

Chillin with Daddy

Looks like he's having a serious conversation with Grandpa

Photo shoot with Maddy

Awe... baby bums

Too cute!

At a baby shower for Karla

With the mother-to-be

And Daddy-to-be getting some practice

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