Sunday, March 30, 2008


Michael Gregory Wilkinson.

Born by emergency c-section, Tuesday, March 25th @ 3:30 p.m.
5lbs 15oz - 20 3/4" long

We got home Friday afternoon and all are doing very well. I will write out the birth story and post it soon for those who are interested in reading it.

For now here are some pics of the little guy.

First photo straight out of the OR:

Being weighed:

Size comparison... that is a can of Red Bull. Yes, he really is THAT small!

Snuggling with Daddy:

Cuddling with Mommy:

Looking tiny in his car seat all set to go home:

Dutchie saying hi:

One more size comparison... that is a regular sized bottle of beer:

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Blasted Insomnia!!

The time is currently 3:11 a.m. on Sunday morning.
I'm not in bed sleeping where I SO need to be, instead I'm here telling you all about it!
For those who know me well, you know that I can sleep like a champ... or should I say COULD sleep like a champ! I never had problems falling asleep, staying asleep, etc.
Up until I got pregnant I've never even had to get up in the night to use the bathroom (MAYBE a handful of times in my whole life)!!
Not much changed when I first got pregnant... In fact, I slept even more (not uncommon, I know). Then when the pregnancy progressed a little further to when I would be woken up by my exploding bladder, it didn't matter... I could stumble into the bathroom, do my business and be back asleep in less than 5 minutes.

So why is it that as of the past week or so I CAN'T SLEEP!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Now I will admit... I was warned about this. About the 3am wakings for no good reason. But come on!!! My only saving grace is the fact that I'm no longer working and can sleep whenever my body feels the need. But why can't it feel the need right now? At 3 a.m.? When normal people are sleeping?!?! I have even tried NOT sleeping in the day so that I'm so exhausted that I sleep at night... doesn't work. I'm up at 3, 4, 6, 7 a.m. for hours with no good reason.
Not only that, but I never seem to fall into a deep sleep. I always manage to stay in that half asleep state. You know how I know?!? Jeff says I snore like a jack hammer!!! NICE!!

Maybe it's because the baby is a night hawk and likes to practice his martial arts at all hours of the night. Or maybe it's because I'm always hungry and my stomach is waking me up. Or maybe, just maybe, it's because my tummy is now so big that no matter how I lay I just can't get comfortable. I've tried sleeping on the couch... and while it is really comfy to sit on... not so much to lay on with sore pregnant hips and back!

I know most of you will say that it is Mother Nature's way of preparing me for the sleepless nights ahead. Did you know that new mothers lose 450-700 HOURS of sleep in the first year alone?!?!?! (Saw this on the news the other night) That is A LOT of sleep lost. So my argument to dear old Mother Nature... let me get all the sleep I can now since you're going to take so much from me in just a few short weeks!! ;)

Okay... enough of my bitching.
And, just for the record, contrary to what you may think based on what you just read, I'm not done being pregnant yet! I'm still enjoying it, sleepless nights, back pain and all! 5 weeks and counting... I'm going to savor every minute!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


The nursery that is.

Jeff and I put the chair rail up the other night and last night I built the crib. I spent most of today putting all the "stuff" away and organizing things. I have a feeling that I'll be organizing some more before this little guys shows up, but I'm done for today.

The window valance isn't up yet and we are going to hang the quilt for the crib on the empty wall to the left of the window. There is still a rocker to come (which will also go to the left of the window) and we were planning on a book shelf but the furniture is bigger than we bargined for so there's no room.

In any case, here are the pics. Enjoy!

View from the doorway:

View from where the rocker will go:

The rather full closet:

Full change table (first shelf is all cloth diapers, second shelf is receiving blankets, hooded towels, washcloths and burp pads and a basket of newborn toys)

Yes we know that you aren't supposed to use bumper pads... they are just decoration for now:

The crib without the bumper pads:

Monday, March 3, 2008

Belly Pics

On Sunday Kim took some wonderful pics for us to remember this pregnancy (not that I'll ever forget... but you get the idea!).

Thanks again Kim!! The pics are amazing... love them!

For your viewing pleasure... here is a smattering of what she came up with: